Government of Odisha | ଓଡ଼ିଶା ସରକାର
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Ans. The following are the steps to be followed:

Type in the URL:

STEP-1: Click on “Create Account”.

STEP-2: Fill in the registered mobile number and click on “verify”.

* An OTP will be sent to the given number. *

STEP-3: Fill in the OTP and click on “verify”.

STEP-4: Select the “Award type” from the dropdown list.

STEP-5: Select the “Award name” from the dropdown list.

STEP-6: Then, in the user registration section fill in the given fields.

STEP-7: Then, click on “Save Account”.

STEP-8: A dialogue box will show up. Click on “Yes” to register for the application.

* The account will be created successfully. *

STEP-9: After successful account creation, a message will be sent to the registered mobile number stating the user ID & password.

Ans. To login into the MSP portal, the following steps are to be followed:

STEP-1: Type in the URL:

STEP-2: Fill in the user ID, password & captcha.

STEP-3: Then click on “Login”.

* The user will be re-directed to the MSP dashboard. *

The following are the steps to be followed:

Type in the URL:

STEP-1: Fill in the user ID & password which is sent to the registered mobile number.

STEP-2: Fill in the given captcha.

STEP-3: Click on login.

After login, view the dashboard

STEP-4: On the Dashboard click on, click on “click here to apply”.

STEP-5: Fill in the Rubrics as per the sub-parameters.

STEP-6: After filling in the fields, select on the checkbox.

STEP-7: Click on “Save”.

STEP-8: Click on “Yes”.

STEP-9: To preview the entered data, click on “preview”.

STEP-10: To edit the entered data, click on “edit” & “update”.

STEP-11: Click on “submit”.

* The application will be submitted successfully. *

The following are the steps to be followed:

Type in the URL:

STEP-1: Fill in the user ID, password & captcha.

STEP-2: Then click on “Login”.

STEP-3: On the dashboard, click on the “key icon” present in the right corner.

STEP-4: Fill in the current password, new password & confirm password.

STEP-5: Click on “Update”.

*The password will be updated successfully.*

Ans. The following steps are to be followed:

STEP-1: Open Gmail.

STEP-2: Open Google drive.

STEP-3: Click on “New”.

STEP-4: To create a folder, click on “New Folder”.

STEP-5: Type in the folder name & click on “Create”.

* A new folder will be created successfully. *

STEP-6: Open the new folder created.

STEP-7: Right click & select “File Upload”.

STEP-8: Choose the video file & click on “Upload”.

* The video will be uploaded successfully. *

Ans. Incase any student’s name or teacher’s name is missing in the school login, then the user needs to download the format available in the school login and fill in all the fields and forward the same to the DIET.

The user can also mail the name of the teacher, student and school name along with other details to the support mail id:

Steps to download the format:

1. Type in the URL:

2. Fill in the user ID, password & captcha.

3. Click on “login”.

4. View the “School Dashboard”.

5. Click on “Mapping”.

6. Then, click on “Student list”.

7. An instruction box will pop up. Go through the instructions.

8. Then, click on “Click here to download the format”.

9. Next, click on “Teacher list” & follow the similar steps to download the format.